Primeo SolarAktiv for the redelivery of electricity from PVA

As an alternative to the previous tariff for electricity from photovoltaic systems, Primeo Energie offers the optional tariff Primeo SolarAktiv. This provides for differentiated remuneration according to summer, winter, high and low tariffs.

With electric cars, battery storage systems and other appliances (e.g. heat pumps, washing machines, etc.) in combination with intelligent control, more and more producers of solar power have the opportunity to harmonise their production and electricity consumption in a sensible way. In addition to already utilised roof areas, there is further potential for producing your own electricity, e.g. by installing photovoltaic systems on façades. As a producer, you can take various measures to increase your own consumption, optimise the yield of your system with the optional tariff and also make a contribution to security of supply in winter.

Primeo SolarAktiv, with remuneration according to summer, winter and high and low tariffs, offers an alternative to the existing redelivery tariff. The optional tariff incentivises feed-in from photovoltaic systems primarily in winter and outside midday with attractive remuneration rates. Shift your energy consumption (self-consumption) to the main production times of your photovoltaic system and feed electricity into the grid at off-peak times with high feed-in tariffs. This allows you to increase the yield of your system by up to 30 per cent compared to the standard tariff.

Who is Primeo SolarAktiv suitable for?
You benefit from the optional tariff if you are the owner of a photovoltaic system with off-peak feed-in and a high proportion of winter production (e.g. with a façade system). To increase your return, you can optimise your own consumption with measures such as charging your electric car or shifting other consumption to times of high photovoltaic production. By investing in a home storage battery or using an intelligent control system, you can further increase your yields.

Your advantages

  • Attractive remuneration - especially in winter with high tariffs
  • Yields can be increased by up to 30 per cent compared to the standard tariff
  • Contribution to security of supply

Summer high tariff

15 cents/kWh

Summer low tariff

5 cents/kWh

Winter high tariff

30 cents/kWh

Winter low tariff

11 cents/kWh

The low fare applies daily from 12 noon to 3 pm. All other times apply as high tariff. The summer tariff applies from 1 April to 30 September, the winter tariff from 1 October to 31 March

Tariff change within the return delivery to Primeo Energie
A minimum term of one year applies to a tariff change within the return delivery (to the optional tariff and back) to Primeo Energie. After the minimum term has expired, a tariff change can be completed with a notice period of one month to the end of a quarter. Primeo Energie must be notified of the change in writing.

All information on the return delivery tariffs and remuneration for guarantees of origin can be found here.


Questions - Answers

How much more can I be reimbursed if I switch to the optional tariff?

We cannot give you a binding answer as we do not know the exact conditions. We assume a possible increase in yields of 10 to 30 per cent if you manage your systems and your consumption optimally. We recommend that you consult your solar installer.

When is the best time to switch tariffs?

Da der Wahltarif die Winterversorgung und den Eigenverbrauch optimiert, ist ein Wechsel auf das Winterhalbjahr am besten, d.h. auf den 1. Oktober.

How long do I have to commit for?

A minimum term of one year applies to a tariff change within the return delivery (to the optional tariff and back). After the minimum term has expired, a tariff change can be completed with a notice period of 30 days to the end of a quarter. Please do not forget to notify Primeo Energie of the change in writing.

How long is the amount of the optional tariff guaranteed?

The tariffs for the return delivery are periodically reviewed by Primeo Energie and adjusted both upwards and downwards in the event of significant changes in the procurement prices for equivalent energy. 

I have a south-facing system, little self-consumption and no electric car. Is the new tariff worthwhile for me?

No. If you have a classic south-facing system with an optimum inclination, it is not worth switching (without optimising your own consumption). With a south-facing façade system, however, you can benefit from the optional tariff due to the high proportion of winter. We recommend that you consult your solar installer.
